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How To Detect Fraud SEO Companies

With the internet market place bursting with opportunities the competition is also reaching its pinnacle. There are numerous websites on the World Wide Web platform to vie for their own niche and hold onto the freckling audience attention. Amidst the entire business of holding onto the audience another game of war is maintaining your sites number one position on the Google webpage through website moderation precisely know as search engine optimization.
Whether it is news, sports, business, finance, or websites on various commercial and non-commercial activities, there are a numerous websites offering more or less same content or services. The competition is rising in every vertical which leads us to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) companies. These companies offer specific content based on certain keywords with the help of which the search engine uses text-matching techniques to find web pages that are important and relevant to a user’s search. The websites under various vertical are in an interesting tug of war to get top ranking or ratings in Google.
While there are many SEO companies which offer genuine services based on ethical practices there are some companies which do give results in first few months but in the long run can get your site out of Google and be banned. The threat seems huge in a scenario when Internet and websites has become one of the major sources of attracting business. Imagine of a scenario where your engine is not searchable at all. Such a scene can affect your business to a great extent. The competition and opportunity offered by SEO has led to a few fraud SEO companies. So how do you find out whether your SEO consultant is going the right way about making your website get top ranking on Google’s webpage? There are many such consultants who offer search engine optimization without much research or background work. The game also includes a few tricks by which your site can reach the top post for a month but due to increasing default in mismatch of user’s search keywords and actual content on the webpage, the site may be banned by Google in the long run.
One of such tricks is cloaking which is technique where the content presented to the search engine is completely different from the content given to the user. The trick is simple. Whenever the user request for a page what is delivered is actually content based on the IP addresses or the User-Agent HTTP header of the user. As soon as the user is identified as a search engine spider, a server-side script delivers a different version of the web page. This page actually does not host content able to be seen on the visible page.
Another smart but creep way is by linking farms. There are certain SEO companies which operate link exchange programs and offer to enhance your link popularity by automatically entering you into such programs. Some companies link your page with websites which have nothing to do with your page. This technique is very quickly traced by search engine. This technique may boost your website’s ranking for a few days ultimately it ultimately leads to banning your website. Keyword stuffing by your SEO consultant can also kick your site out of race. By this method the webmasters try to hide keywords in a page by putting white text in white background. The search engine crawlers are very smart to detect this malpractice. Besides this stuffing your site with links to other websites is another misconduct which harms your website in the long run. These links feed on your website’s ranking and point to the sites of your SEO thus the benefit of better ranking goes to other sites and leads to banning your site.
If you find your SEO consultant putting in use such techniques it is high time you review the consultant and look for a genuine SEO company which complies with all genuine practices to make way for your website to lead the pack among other competitors and make you a top ranker on various search engines.


jewelraz said...

Very good blog. Nice tips.
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